YO8PS – Ham Radio

Facts about Iași - my QTH


The city is an important communications and commercial center. Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and plastics rank among the chief products.

  • 91,9 % processing industry
    (19,6 % food and beverages, 11,7 % metallurgy, 8,8% machines and outfits, 8,6 % chemical industry, 7,5% clothing wares)
  • 0,8 extractive industry
  • 7,3 % electric and thermal power, gas and water

The actual level of the County industry is under the national average and that is why it is necessary to bring here foreign capital.


Industry has an important role in the Jassy County but the agriculture is the most representative field according to the working population. The agriculture provides about 3% of total production of our county. Jassy County agriculture is diverse and it has a sufficiently differentiated output in order to satisfy the customers’ demand. Nevertheless, the agricultural production in Jassy is based on cereals and zootechny.

  • Agricultural land: 380,200 ha
    (67,2% arable land, 28,4% pastures & lawns, 4,4 % vineyards & orchards)
  • Forestry: 97,8 ha
  • Water surface: 13,9 ha


     Although the tertiary field seems to be well represented in Jassy County because of the great number of existing enterprises and employees (about 118,000), the County’s population has not a high service demand, especially as geographical distribution.
     There are three components of the tertiary field that offer important timeliness for the economical development of Jassy County : the financial services, especially banking services, which will be able to maintain a great investment process on the basis of a deep banking reform of the system; the intensive intellectual services (informatics, marketing and publicity, consulting and engineering), that will offer qualitative knowledge to the undertaking and to the private markets; the public services which will strengthen the kernel of regional economic development.